TMO Drives Tenfold Surge in Community Input at TCEQ Hearing
TMO leaders from Kashmere Gardens crashed a Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ) hearing to voice their concerns and opposition to the construction of a concrete processing center slated for a low-income neighborhood within mere steps of the LBJ Hospital. The proposed location is also near walking trails, parks, and residential neighborhoods.
Leaders asserted that concrete crushing facilities pose medical risks to vulnerable hospital patients and residents in surrounding communities -- primarily through expected increases in air pollution (soot, dust, and silica) which could trigger asthma attacks or other heart conditions. Expected increases in noise and light pollution also has the potential to interfere with family and community life.
During the last 13 days that TCEQ allowed comments to be made, TMO drove a tenfold increase in comments submitted online -- from 66 before they began engaging their members, to 733 comments submitted by the Monday afternoon deadline.
Polémica por Solicitud de Permiso Para Construir Otra Cementera en Houston: "No Estamos de Acuerdo", Univision Houston