The Network of Texas IAF Organizations, a labor and faith coalition that has staunchly opposed using school property tax breaks for incentives... railed against the Texas Jobs and Security Act.
"It looks like it was written on the back of a napkin,"
stated Jose Guerrero, a leader with Central Texas Interfaith from Saint Ignatius Catholic Church.
The organization believes the proposed bill would have even less regulation than Chapter 313, including the exclusion of minimum job requirements as a key factor in a project's eligibility for approval. "It is hard to imagine that they would propose a program with even less accountability, fewer specifics (like no job requirements), and more leeway for companies to take taxpayer dollars from school children to line their pockets," Guerrero stated.
Texans for Fiscal Responsibility executive director: 'The Chapter 313 Tax Abatement Program was corporate welfare at the expense of individual Texas taxpayers', Austin Journal [pdf]
Why Momentum is Building Behind a 'Shell' Incentives Bill at Texas Capitol, Austin Business Journal [pdf]
Texas Republicans' Plan to Revive a Major Corporate Tax Break Would Exclude Renewables, Houston Chronicle [pdf]
Bill Filed to Bring Back Chapter 313 Tax Abatements, Austin Business Journal [pdf]
Texas Oil and Gas Producers Want Their Tax Break Back, Capital & Main [pdf]
Legislative Leaders Push to Replace Expired Tax Break, Texas Tribune [pdf]
Chapter 313 Sucked the Blood out of Texas School Funding System, Rio Grande Guardian [pdf]
Texas IAF Statement on Industry Group Attempts to Resurrect Failed "Vampire Fund" Chapter 313 Program, Texas IAF
Tmo/Gclc published this page in News 2023-03-20 14:16:36 -0500