TMO Urges Voters to Oppose HISD's $4.4 Billion Bond Due to Lack of Community Input


During a press conference at Trinity United Methodist Church, leaders of The Metropolitan Organization ...said they were opposing an HISD bond for the first time in the group’s 44-year history due largely to the lack of trust and “meaningful input from community members” in developing the measure... 

[said] Linda Hollins, a trustee at Trinity United Methodist Church, “Our children are relying on us, and so today, we call out HISD administration and the appointed Board of Managers for placing a bond proposal on November's ballot that lacks adequate input from all stakeholders: parents, teachers, pastors (and) community members.”

...Ruth Hoffman-Lach, a member of First Unitarian Universalist Church, criticized HISD for disclosing the bond details with “just five months” before Election Day. She said the district’s decisions should reflect the needs and aspirations of families, and the community deserves a transparent bond process where every voice is heard and every concern is addressed.

“We've seen firsthand how effective community engagement can be and can lead to successful outcomes, as demonstrated by our neighbors in Spring Branch ISD,” Hoffman-Lach said. “That bond was born out of years of dialogue, collaboration and a shared vision of students' values and futures. We must demand the same level of engagement and accountability from HISD.”

Coalition of Houston Religious, Community Leaders Joins Opposition to HISD's $4.4B Bond MeasureHouston Chronicle [pdf]

Press Conference Video FootageThe Metropolitan Organization

  • The Metropolitan Organization - TMO Houston
    published this page in News 2024-10-18 12:33:41 -0500

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