Say NO to Concrete Crusher Plant Near LBJ Hospital

Tell Gov. Abbott and State Lawmakers to Overturn TCEQ Permit Allowing a Concrete Crusher to be Built Next to LBJ Hospital

Sign below to voice your oppositiondownload a letter or download a petition and ask your congregation members, family and friends to complete it telling Governor Abbot to deny a permit to build the plant.  

Latest Update: TCEQ's own Office of Public Interest Counsel (OPIC) finds that "good cause to overturn the ED’s decision exists, based on substantial evidence...that the entirety of the facility will not be located further than 440 yards from a school or place of worship."  OPIC Filing   

TMO will collect all letters and petitions by April 1.  We only have until April 8 to change the decision.

Who's signing

439 signatures

Will you sign?

  • The Metropolitan Organization - TMO Houston
    published this page 2024-02-11 11:24:17 -0600

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